Golden Light Source Healing
Helping You Activate Your Light, Your Power, and Your Potential
Golden Light Source Healing
Helping You Activate Your Light, Your Power, and Your Potential
Helping You Activate Your Light, Your Power, and Your Potential
Helping You Activate Your Light, Your Power, and Your Potential
Welcome to the next chapter of your journey. The one where you step forward into your authentic and healed self. The one where you embrace all of who you are, your power, and your light. The one where you awaken the ancient widsom lying deep within your soul. You are an incredibly divine and powerful being, with the light and wisdom of our Great Cosmic Creator within you (Source, God, The Universe). With awareness, you have the ability to use your limitless potential and power to create and live a life that brings you true joy, peace, and purpose. There is so much more to you and to life that deep down I know you feel. Let me help you tap into this awareness and elevate your consciousness so that you can remember your truth and rise into all that you are meant to be. Let's heal and transform any wounds, patterns, and mindsets that are holding you back from living a life of purpose, peace, and happiness. Let's activate your soul's intelligence and awaken your spiritual power so that you can step forward into your freedom and potential. There has never been a better time than now. Your future self is waiting for you...
I believe that our purpose on this planet at this time is to evolve in order to become Creators, creating lives of peace, light, purpose, and harmony. However, given that this current world is filled with such duality (love and suffering), it makes it challenging at times. There are a lot of wounds and trauma within us and within the collective that inhibit our ability to truly recognize our power and our extraordinary capabilities, which in reality are quite ordinary. Through years of societal influences, our natural psychic and healing abilities have been blocked and made to seem as if they are "magical" and that only certain people have the power to possess such gifts. Well I am here to tell you that this is a false narrative. Every single human being born has the capacity to be a powerful conduit, allowing higher vibrational energies to come through and to assist in becoming a truly enlightened being. All it takes is proper teachings and the devotion of yourself to want to evolve.
For thousands of years, Earth's people were living in a world of illusion, blocked by the veil of forgetfulness. That veil is now lifting rapidly and we are waking up to the reality and awareness that there is so much more. We are currently in an ascension process and we are entering a higher consciousness known as 5D consciousness. 5D is a term that represents the 5th dimension; a space of peace, love, community, and instant manifestation. However in order for us to embody this frequency, we must transmute the lower frequencies that do not resonate in the 5th dimension. Anger, jealousy, mistrust, fear, and lack are some of the lower energies that we as a collective have been plagued with and are needing to be released in order for us to move forward. Therefore, our healing and transmutation of these energies are literally the most important thing on Earth at this time. Healing and transforming these frequencies will allow you to experience true peace and harmony which will not only benefit you and those around you but which will also allow you to hold higher vibrational energies and light, which in turn will assist in raising the frequency of planet Earth and all of our brothers and sisters.
This is a time of mass awakening and there has never been a better time to work on your healing and the expansion of yourself. It will allow for your ascension into the higher realms and into co-creating a world of one-ness, wholeness, and harmony. All of the energies are on your side in order to assist you in fully awakening and becoming the powerful and divine being you are so meant to be.
You are an integral part of our planet's awakening and deep down I feel that you know that you are; that you know that you are powerful and that there is something so much greater to this existence. You know that you have a deeper calling that you just haven't fully quite found yet. However, in order to find that calling you have to find your wholeness, your light, and travel deep within yourself to find those parts of you that are waiting to be healed and brought back into love and acceptance so that you can integrate them and bring them into your wholeness and consciousness. With integration and acceptance of your shadow, you can then be able to experience a life you always knew you could live; a life you always imagined but never quite knew how to make real...
...This life isn't meant to be mediocre; It is meant to be spectacular and you are meant to live a life of fulfillment and authenticity, allowing yourself to be free and able to create peace, love, and meaning in each and every experience. The key to your freedom is within you and its time for you to find it.
Where I come in on this journey of yours is to assist YOU in becoming the most powerful and integrated you. Aside from my energy work training, I have lived my entire life from a very spiritual perspective and have gained the wisdom and knowledge necessary to assist others on any part of their journey. My role as a healer is to help you transform your darkness into light. My role as a teacher is to help you re-discover who you really are and to remember the many worlds beyond this one. My role as a support system is to be by your side as you explore the depths of yourself and of the many layers of this world. I am committed to helping you become the best version of yourself that you can be. I am here to help you work through your pain so that you can experience peace and ease. If you are committed to your truth and to your growth, then I am here to help you on your journey. It may be hard at times, but the reward is so worth it. To be able to live a life of true peace, purpose, and happiness in my opinion is the greatest reward.
You have the capacity to step into a role so divine, so powerful, and so magnificent. Trust yourself and trust your path. You can do this. The Universe is waiting for you to rise up and be all that you are meant to be. Welcome to your ascension Creator 🙌
- Jordan Christine Gray
Are you ready to level up? Join us as we journey to the root chakra of Earth under the cosmic gateway of the Lionsgate Portal. Stay tuned for more info...