Please choose the amount of time you would like when booking a session. All methods are used interchangeably during sessions so don't worry about what type of session you would like, however if you would like to focus on one modality in particular please let me know. All sessions are available for virtual appts via zoom, so please inquire if interested. See below for packages for major transformation. Session times include 5-10 minute check-in time.
During this session, we work together exploring the various parts of your energy field to locate, release, and transform any stuck energy from your body, chakras, and energy layers that is causing imbalance in your life. I utilize various healing techniques, while activating your inner light, to help you transform, heal, and upgrade. The techniques used during session are listed below.
During this session, we work together exploring the various parts of your energy field to locate, release, and transform any stuck energy from your body, chakras, and energy layers that is causing imbalance in your life. I utilize various healing techniques, while activating your inner light, to help you transform, heal, and upgrade. The techniques used during session are listed below.
During this session, we work together exploring the various parts of your energy field to locate, release, and transform any stuck energy from your body, chakras, and energy layers that is causing imbalance in your life. I utilize various healing techniques, while activating your inner light, to help you transform, heal, and upgrade. The techniques used during session are listed below.
During this session, we work together exploring the various parts of your energy field to locate, release, and transform any stuck energy from your body, chakras, and energy layers that is causing imbalance in your life. I utilize various healing techniques, while activating your inner light, to help you transform, heal, and upgrade. The techniques used during session are listed below.
During this session, I clear through each layer of your energy field, removing negative attachments and blocked energy. I then clear and activate each layer so that it is in optimum health. These sessions are very ethereal and can leave you feeling light, buzzy, tingly, and sometimes will make you feel as if you are floating. These sessions are extremely impactful and can remove many years of trauma in one session.
This session is specific for anyone who is experiencing any emotional blockages due to trauma. During this session, we explore your energy field locating, clearing, and transmuting any stagnant energy caused by trauma that is blocking your ability to experience peace and happiness. This is a very powerful session and holds the capacity to truly transform your life.
This session is designed for anyone who is experiencing emotional discord due to pain experienced as a child. Many times as children, we close off certain aspects of ourselves in order to continue forward. During this session, I guide you into the deepest parts of yourself to locate and clear the pain, where we then open and integrate the aspect of yourself that was blocked. This is a very transformative session that can truly heal on many levels.
During this session, I begin with a guided meditation to help you settle into a very relaxed state. I then provide healing to assist you in clearing and balancing the chakras. I use a lot of guided imagery to assist your participation in this process (Don't worry if you have issues with visualization as it does not effect the healing in any way). This is a very relaxing healing session, bringing yourself back into balance, feeling relaxed, centered, grounded, and more of yourself.
During this session, I begin with a guided meditation to help you settle into a very relaxed state. I then use a combination of crystals and energy healing techniques to assist in clearing and balancing the chakras and correlated energies.This is a very relaxing healing session, bringing yourself back into balance where you will feel centered, grounded, and more of yourself.
During this session, we explore your ancestral patterns and if any of them are negatively affecting you. I assist you in releasing any familial blockages that are causing negative issues in your life. We explore the patterns and how it has been playing out in your life. This session does not affect anyone in the family unit, as it is simply for your own healing. It is a safe and helpful healing technique that can bring great relief and positive results for your future.
During this session, we travel inter-dimensionally to explore a particular past life that is currently affecting your life now. We spend time exploring and understanding that experience and how certain energies from that life are affecting you. I then assist you in clearing the energy attachments created from that life and integrating the information that is locked in so that you can move forward and free up any attachments that have been holding you back from being your most authentic self.
During this session, I help to locate and remove entities or negative attachmeat have attached to you and is leeching off of your energy. Entities can be picked up from anywhere and can mask themselves as feelings of powerlessness and lack of worth. These removals are done safely and with the highest vibration of source light to gently, powerfully, and effectively release the entity from your energy field. You will notice an instant shift in energy after these sessions.
During this session, I assist you in activating and awakening the connection to your higher self; the part of you that is connected to Creator Source at such a pure level. This activation allows for you to awaken to your potential and to help you remember your gifts and abilities. This session is designed to help you walk away from it feeling more connected, more powerful, and in remembrance of your soul's truest nature.
A special reading where I tap into higher dimensions to remind you of your starseed origins and current life mission. During this session, I assist you in activating your higher frequencies to align with your current energy to jumpstart you on your divine mission and purpose. Starseeds are rapidly waking up to their potential and gifts here on Earth and this session is a great opportunity for you to tap into and integrate these parts of yourself.
From working with clients for over 10 years I have found that those who commit to multiple sessions make the quickest and most effective progress, achieving huge results within short periods of time. If you are ready for major breakthroughs and transformations, I highly recommend this route. Payments can be made upfront, bi-montly, or monthly. Reach out for more information 818-395-0637.
Get ready to transform your life with 4 x 90 minute sessions. With this package, we meet every 1-2 weeks giving us the time needed to be able to take you to the next level. Upon our first meeting, we will discuss your goals and I will cater a divine plan to assist you in reaching these goals through healing trauma, helping you to connect with your higher self, activating your power and light, and teaching you effective and practical spiritual tools to help you heal and upgrade.
This package includes 6 x 60 minute sessions to help you breakout of feeling stuck and hopeless. With energy healing techniques, guided meditations, journeying into higher realms, and activating soul light and awareness you will gain the tools and freedom to help you move beyond wherever you are currently stuck.
If you are joining me for a package, you have the option of adding on a welcome package including various tools to help you alongside your journey. These tools include a beautiful journal, personalized healing infused moon water spray, a personally picked oracle card deck, and a crystal where I channel your higher self to guide me into picking the crystal that's ready to assist you on this next chapter of your journey.
With 8 x 90 minute sessions, we are going to completely transform your life. Get ready to step into the life you have been waiting for. During this program, we meet every 1-2 weeks clearing old patterns and activating your soul's wisdom. Sessions include healing, activations, journeys into higher realms, and activating your divine blueprint to help you step forward into your higher self, higher timelines, and divine purpose while transforming trauma, limiting mindsets, and lack based beliefs.
*May be done In-person or Virtually
This coaching session is designed to help you with any struggles you may be having as a result of your ascension process. We discuss the issues in detail, locating the purposes of each struggle. We then discuss various tools and perspective shifts in order to transform these struggles into strengths, skills, and empowerment. Every one of us is rapidly waking up to higher dimensions and awarenesses and sometimes we need some extra support to help us on our journey.
In this session, we work together to get to the root of any problems that you are currently facing. I listen to your struggles to help you move through those struggles with as much strength and hope as possible. The biggest tools I use are self-empowerment and self-acceptance to help you achieve a state of mind that gives you the peace and strength you need to move forward in your life. You are a very powerful and loving person, let me help you re-discover that.
During this coaching session, I help you explore the various aspects of what it means to be a starseed and how to navigate as such. I provide tools and exercises to assist you in being able to tap into your spiritual power and abilities. I also provide exercises and instruction to help with the challenges of being empathic and absorbing energy. You are not alone on this journey and I am here to support you while you rediscover your inherent extraordinary capabilities.
Treat yourself to a very special experience where I channel from the highest frequencies to bring you whatever experience you are seeking. If you want inner peace, I will guide you into an extremely relaxing meditation. If you want to explore different dimensions, I will guide you on a journey to higher realms of consciousness where you will see and receive information and light codes. Whatever you are seeking, I will take you there. Meditations will be recorded and emailed to you.